
Adult ADHD:
Many think difficulties with ADHD only apply when a person is in school. Many more adults are affected and getting diagnosed with ADHD in their adult life. This can affect areas such as emotional regulation, motivation, parenting, and organization in your home.

There can be a lot of fear in life but what happens when that fear seems to take over? Anxiety can manifest physically (stomach churning, sweating, restlessness), and emotionally (worrying, fearfulness). Though we can’t always control the external world, there are tools and methods that help control our internal world.

Are you feeling down most of the time? Overwhelmed? Do you feel a lack of motivation? You are not lazy! Depression is a very difficult ordeal to manage, especially without outside support. Together we can work to help alleviate and improve those feelings.

Relationship/Parenting Issues:
Navigating relationships with others and your children can be very complicated! Though it can be helpful to seek advice from friends, they may not always have an objective standpoint. As a therapist, I can help you navigate the difficulties of these relationships without any personal bias.